Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Still Teetering on the Precipice of Success

Hello again everybody. I know you're expecting big news here so let's get that out of the way.  The answer is NO. No I have not broken the 170 pound mark and I am not writing to you sitting on my 160-something pound ass. In fact, since our last visit, I bumped up about a pound. Damn swings. Damn plateaus.

As much as I am prone to do, I cannot complain and /or blame anybody else but myself. My active summer schedule has taken my focus off my flab fight. I have not been counting my calories. I have not been diligent with my workouts. I HAVE been living the good life. Good life for me, anyway. And you know what? I haven't gone food crazy. I haven't gained weight other than a paltry swing pound which could have been caused by a hydration issue or simply by driving past a McDonalds. Even though I have not visited a fast food joint in over 14 months, my seat belt still tightens up when I drive past a fast food row. Part of my bad metabolism.

I did get in to see Dr. X last week for my first visit in 2 months. We had good news.  Although I feel I have been struggling, the giant fat ass scale reported a 1.88 kilo loss! That's 4 pounds in American English. I was surprised and the doctor was happy. I guess it's a win-win. In fact, the weight loss news has me a little more invigorated to kick it up a notch.

After my BP was taken (110/72), the doc and I had had another conversation about where I wanted to land weight-wise. Since I have finally fallen beneath the "obese" BMI measure, the doc says it's really up to me. We discussed the numbers. I'm in a medium golf shirt. I don't want to go into a small. I'm close to a 34 waist. I'm really good with that. I'm about 7 ounces away from the 169 goal. So to me, I am just about home. I told him I would like to get to about 164 on my scale at home in the morning in my birthday suit because of the 3 pound swing. That's about 8 more pounds. I also told him, I'm sticking with my current plan until New Year's eve.  Then it will be maintenance, no matter what the score is. We were in agreement.

Then he asked me if I am getting that "full" feeling after I eat. Answer: No. I really haven't felt that "full" feeling since April 7, 2013. The day before my quest began. He told me that I should be feeling full after meals and that we should tighten up the band yet again. As always, I complied. I undid my shirt, laid down and took the needle to my protruding port valve.

As excited as I was to get the help to get me to the Lap-Band  green zone, I must confess that I was a little worried about pumping up ol' Bandy. Ya see, since I had my last adjustment 2 months ago, there was an incident. I was eating lunch at my desk.  It was left over turkey breast. Perhaps a little too dry. Or maybe I wasn't concentrating and eating too fast. Or possibly ate too big of a bite. Any-whoo, it got stuck. This caused me to "slime" uncontrollably into my office waste basket for over an hour until I finally regurgitated the last bites of the undigested fowl. Getting "stuck" hurts like hell and the refunding is no fun either. I told Doc that this was the first time this happened to me since my surgery in May 2013. He said I was "lucky". Most bandsters struggle with this numerous times until they find their personal green zones and learn how to work with their bands.

Well, I guess I'm a lucky bandster! I have only tossed my cookies once in a year and three months. This last injection was .33ccs. I can really feel the difference now. I am almost starting to feel full after meals, but I really have to pay attention to what I am eating and how fast I'm shoveling it down.
Renewed focus.

I'm going back to see Dr. X again in 2 months.  Then I will be released with only a yearly appointment recommended.

My journey is fast approaching the finish line. Once I get rid off these last few pounds, it will be time for us to say our good byes and move on. But fear not my fat following friends, Dr. X says it will take me about 6 months to lose the rest of this midriff bulge.  So you got THAT going for you!

See ya real soon!


Fat Fanatics! Email your comments and questions to:
I will answer all questions and, who knows, your pithy comments might make the blog! 

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