Thursday, July 24, 2014

Inching Closer to Finish Line

Hello again fat fans! I know it's been a while since we chatted so I wanted to give you a little update on what's going on in Johnny world.

I have been busy, busy, busy! Summer always does this to me. Anyone who lives here in the upper Midwest gets it. We are basically home bound by six months of crappy weather. So when the temps heat up, so do our calendars. I'm no exception to this. While I try and get away a couple of times in our unbearable winters, it surely is no substitute for the sun and fun of summer. It seems I have something to do at least 4 days a week now. Of course, most of these fun filled events come with great offerings of food and drink. It's what we Americans do. We get together and we eat and drink.

Being a well socialized individual, I jump right into these soirees whenever possible. This obviously presents a problem for the dieting Johnny. Food and adult beverages are my temptress. The bane of my existence. So I have to party cautiously. I struggle every moment to just say no. I'm still in the early stages of my fat recovery process. For the most part, I am winning the fight with my addiction.

A few cases in point. I had guests in for 5 days of golf, dinning, drinking and your basic man fun thing. I ate, and I certainly drank. Like a normal person. The following week I hit the scale and added a few pounds.  But I got right back on my plan and was back to where I was before I started the week long fiesta. That's a win.

About a week ago, I left town and went fishing in Central America with a few clients.  It was like these guys never get out.  They went deep for three nights eating and drinking until they couldn't eat or drink anymore. I survived. I made wise food choices and somewhat controlled my beverage intake. But I did rekindle my affinity for cold beer! And I found out I can handle it band-wise pretty well. I came back from this 5 day jaunt about 4 pounds up. I got right back on plan. It took about a week for me to purge the cervezas and salt water bloat from my body. But in the end, I weighed less that when I left. win # 2.

This week, even after several dinners out, I hit the scale at 170.7.  A measly pound away from the holy grail of the 160s. I'm getting so close I could taste it. Maybe that's the wrong metaphor. I would only taste it if it was low cal. Never-the-less, a paltry pound lies between me and my goal. SO CLOSE ... yet so far away! Life always throws curveballs. Diets throw yo-yos.

There it is family, friends and fat fans across the globe. I . Am. Almost. There.

The next time you here from me, I will be 169 point something. Anything in the 169 area counts as a victory. But it's not the end.  Because of the aforementioned 3 pound swings, I'll need to lose another 5 pounds or so. So the quest will continue until Santa Claus comes to town. Too bad my calendar is filled again this week. I know I could hit it by Friday. But, hey, life's too short. I'll get there when I get there.

Party on Garth!


Fat Fanatics! Email your comments and questions to:
I will answer all questions and, who knows, your pithy comments might make the blog! 

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