Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Phew! A Tough Stretch Negotiated

I am back!

Was I out of town? Was I called away on a crucial business trip? Did I get lost in the woods? Was I kidnapped by an over zealous fat fan? The answers are .... No, no, no and no.

I was in town all right.  But I was sure off the Lap Band radar screen.

The last 10 days may have been the longest so far since I started my fat fight that I have been away from the comforts of my eating regiment. You see, I have been in golfer's paradise.  Ten straight days of chasing a little white ball all in the name of customer satisfaction and charity. Sure, golf is a fun filled getaway.  But 10 days in a row? Truth be told, it got to be a bit grueling.

I can hear all of you shouting "poor guy had to play golf for 10 days ....awwww". I'm not complaining. I would do it again next week if I had to. But I would not want to. I was completely exhausted by Saturday night.  But I learned a couple of valuable lessons during this past golf-a-thon.

The first thing I learned is that my new body is much more able to handle the physicality of walking, swinging and handling the heat than it was previously.  I don't think the formerly fat Johnny could have done it. I might have died from overexertion, heat exhaustion, or a bad case of thigh chaffing. Yep, I was ready for this. I handled it probably better than most men my age. Between walking and riding, I still managed to put close to 40 miles on my petite feet.

The next thing I learned is of equal importance. I learned that I could be away from my home base in the fat bunker and eat like a normal person and not have a devastating weight gain. When I say eat normal, I mean normal for a guy watching his weight. I made the best food choices available to me at every meal. Cheeseburgers with all the trimmins' on a sesame bun? No. A hamburger patty with a slice of cheese, a little onion and tomato topped with low calorie mustard? Bring it on! Pasta salad...nope. Cookies ... nope. Heat beating ice cream ... unfortunately not.  I opted for a fresh fruit smoothie.  With just a touch of rum.

The week-plus adventure did have a shocking scale moment. I actually panicked one morning when my scale showed I had a 4 pound swing upward. I was shocked.  It had to be the  alcohol forcing my body to take on water like a ship with a hole in the hull. So Sunday came and I started drinking more water. It worked. I'm glad to say that this morning I weighed in at 172.5.  A loss of a pound through this period and a mere 3 pounds from the 160's. Victory.

I guess the other thing I learned is that when I retire I can't play golf everyday like I have always dreamed of doing.  I'll need another hobby to occupy my off days.  Fishing? Maybe. Jogging? Doubtful.

See ya next time.

Fat Fanatics! Email your comments and questions to:
I will answer all questions and, who knows, your pithy comments might make the blog! 

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