Hello .... is anybody out there?
I think that's the opening line from an old Pink Floyd classic. But totally relates here. I haven't written a post since September of 2014. That's a year and half of silence. Quiet... listen ... can you hear my waist expanding?
Well, I'm back here blabbing because I've had a blip in the wrong direction. Nothing catastrophic, just an attention getter. Here's the skinny. (maybe the wrong choice of words)
When I left you last I hit 169.2 pounds. My original goal. I had planned on trying to get to around 165 because I knew there would be an upward bounce once I tried living and eating like a normal human. Well, I was right on that account. Unfortunately, I bounced up from 169. I leveled off at around 172 pounds.
Truth be told, I was happy living at the 172 pound level for most of the last year and a half. I was still easily fitting in my new wardrobe. I felt pretty good. I stopped obsessing on daily weigh ins. I wasn't really watching what I ate. I was just living like a normal person. Then it happened. It, being this last holiday season.
For me, the holiday season starts before Thanksgiving and runs right through the 10th of January. The day after wife L's birthday. It's difficult for me to count the number of luncheons, holiday parties, birthday parties, dinners and family get togethers that I attend during this time. Not to mention that I squeezed in a full week of my yearly drinkcation to the Caribbean. Bushels of NOT GOOD for a former fat guy. I basically took my eye off the ball.
Last Sunday I put on a pair of newer jeans. Something was wrong. I immediately wanted to blame wife L for a laundry error. She must have shrunk these. Then it dawned on me that I better check with my arch enemy ... my fancy Fitbit scale. Surely, this old nemesis would prove that "she who must be obeyed" left these denim babies in the hot water way too long. Right?
Confidently, I approached the dusty electronic unit. I made sure I moved it to a level spot, then boldly jumped on. I was gripped by terror! I got off and made sure the scale was in the middle of a level tile. I turned it 180 degrees. I stepped on again looking for a different answer. No such luck. Wife L was vindicated. It wasn't her fault. She did not shrink these bloody jeans.
I then ran to the mirror in my skivvies. I peered intensely at my midsection. I dropped my head in shame.
You may be thinking I gained 40 pounds. I did not. The scale said 176.4 pounds. Only 4 pounds from my former cruising weight. But it felt like 40 pounds to me. I must also add that since we talked last, I have added 2 birthdays, sending me into my latter 50's. Advancing age has delivered noticeable cargo shifting. Things aren't where they used to be just 2 short years ago.
I could not let this stand. I knew it was time to refocus.
So I am back baby!
Monday, I started counting my calories again. I started being vigilant about what I eat again. I kicked up my workouts. And I set a new goal for myself. 164. Yup. I'm gonna try and get to 164 by April. I need to have that number to keep my eye on the prize.
This week has been good so far. Back to the old menu, plenty of water and commitment to exercise. It's already working. I was at 173.8 this morning. Can I hit 164? Dunno. I do know that if I don't pay attention, I'll be a weeble again in no time!
Stay tuned and let's see where this goes.
Over and out,
I'm glad you're baaaaack! I'd almost forgotten about you. However, I have been going through the same thing as you. I reached goal of 165 last February. I haven't been living high on the hog, but I haven't exactly stuck to the plan either. I gained almost 10 pounds over the last year. I got back on track the day after Christmas with a brief side bar for drinking on New Years Eve. Then I suckered a group of coworkers into a weight loss challenge with me. I started back to calorie counting on Monday. I'm feeling great! I do believe this this how to be successful. Gain some, lose some, but before it gets out of control. I'm glad you're baaaaack! I do so enjoy reading your posts. Thanks, LeighC