Tuesday, November 12, 2013

We Have Movement .....

Hello all!

Since my last update, I have had downward movement on the scale! YAY! It was getting very frustrating being stuck at around 193 for around 2 weeks. Frustrating and discouraging. It gets to a point where you start thinking you need to change something. I would like to thank Dr. X and the bubbly Ms. K from talking me off the ledge during my last visit. They both like my program and the results. They unanimously encouraged me to be patient and stay on point.  They were right.

I not only had a loss, I broke the 190 barrier as well. As of this morning, I have been in the 189 range, give or take a few ounces, for about 5 days. This certainly is a huge step in the right direction.  189 is significant for a couple of reasons.

First, hey it's 189! I'm in the 80's. I have talked previously about how long it's been since I was in this weight division. I think I broke the 200 mark in circa 1985.  So 189 was years before that. Perhaps the 70's? Might I have been doing The Hustle at 189? Possible. I know I played high school football at around 190 and that was my pre-Hustle days. Alas, my memory fails me again.

Next, 189 makes the 65 pound loss mark.  That's not just a significant amount of blubber, it also puts us only 5 pounds away from another blog entry of "what does this weigh".   Always amusing. And informative.

Lastly, 189 puts me exactly 20 pounds away from my original goal of 169. Yes fans, the finish line is coming in to view. It's time time to refocus and put the after burners on.  I can't get distracted and I have to be PATIENT! That's going to be the hardest part. Good thing I have the holidays coming up to keep my mind off of food, drinking and merry making.  I better rethink that.

See ya real soon...


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