Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Curses! Stuck again

I'm sitting at my desk during my mini lunch period. I just fired down a Starkist Tuna Lunch to Go and a single serving of low fat cottage cheese. About 300 calories in all. Add my Muscle Milk Light shake with blended banana breakfast, I'm at about 500 calories right now. I stayed away from my mid-morning yogurt and have not consumed any water or Vitamin Water Zero. Only a couple cups of coffee. I'm straying from my routine.

Why? Because I'm frickin' stuck again and I'm going to the Fat-ol-o-gist in an hour and a half. I have to face the bubbly Ms. K and Dr. X, not to mention Ms. Grumpy (the nurse that take all my vitals). I'm going to give them my monthly rundown of average daily food intake and exercise and then answer all their prying questions.

Then we are going to look at my weight chart. For 5 months straight that line has been going down 5 to 8 pounds per month. Great progress. Remember? I got the gold star rock star routine from them? I'm worried I'm going to get some other type of doctoral input today.

Here's the skinny on the fat loss. I was 195 pounds on October 12. I was 194 pounds this morning. That is not good. I have been bouncing up and down between 192.5 and 194.5 for about 2 weeks. Verrrrry frustrating. I don't know what the problem is. I'm sticking to the plan. I am overly active. In fact, my heal hurts from walking 8.5 miles yesterday, my shoulder muscles hurt from weight lifting Saturday and my knees are burning from my new brisk 18 minute treadmill workout. I don't know what's killing me more. This working out BS or the lack of weight loss.

I checked my Fitbit app to get my weight from September 30, the last time I saw Dr. X. It said 198. It looks like the best I'm going to show is a 4 pound loss in 5 weeks. Yech. I don't want to make excuses. Excuses will not get met to 169. But if it does come up, I'll blame it on Vegas. What happens there doesn't always stay there.

I'll report the news soon.

Johnny T

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