As much as I am prone to do, I cannot complain and /or blame anybody else but myself. My active summer schedule has taken my focus off my flab fight. I have not been counting my calories. I have not been diligent with my workouts. I HAVE been living the good life. Good life for me, anyway. And you know what? I haven't gone food crazy. I haven't gained weight other than a paltry swing pound which could have been caused by a hydration issue or simply by driving past a McDonalds. Even though I have not visited a fast food joint in over 14 months, my seat belt still tightens up when I drive past a fast food row. Part of my bad metabolism.
I did get in to see Dr. X last week for my first visit in 2 months. We had good news. Although I feel I have been struggling, the giant fat ass scale reported a 1.88 kilo loss! That's 4 pounds in American English. I was surprised and the doctor was happy. I guess it's a win-win. In fact, the weight loss news has me a little more invigorated to kick it up a notch.

Then he asked me if I am getting that "full" feeling after I eat. Answer: No. I really haven't felt that "full" feeling since April 7, 2013. The day before my quest began. He told me that I should be feeling full after meals and that we should tighten up the band yet again. As always, I complied. I undid my shirt, laid down and took the needle to my protruding port valve.
As excited as I was to get the help to get me to the Lap-Band green zone, I must confess that I was a little worried about pumping up ol' Bandy. Ya see, since I had my last adjustment 2 months ago, there was an incident. I was eating lunch at my desk. It was left over turkey breast. Perhaps a little too dry. Or maybe I wasn't concentrating and eating too fast. Or possibly ate too big of a bite. Any-whoo, it got stuck. This caused me to "slime" uncontrollably into my office waste basket for over an hour until I finally regurgitated the last bites of the undigested fowl. Getting "stuck" hurts like hell and the refunding is no fun either. I told Doc that this was the first time this happened to me since my surgery in May 2013. He said I was "lucky". Most bandsters struggle with this numerous times until they find their personal green zones and learn how to work with their bands.
Well, I guess I'm a lucky bandster! I have only tossed my cookies once in a year and three months. This last injection was .33ccs. I can really feel the difference now. I am almost starting to feel full after meals, but I really have to pay attention to what I am eating and how fast I'm shoveling it down.
Renewed focus.
I'm going back to see Dr. X again in 2 months. Then I will be released with only a yearly appointment recommended.
My journey is fast approaching the finish line. Once I get rid off these last few pounds, it will be time for us to say our good byes and move on. But fear not my fat following friends, Dr. X says it will take me about 6 months to lose the rest of this midriff bulge. So you got THAT going for you!
See ya real soon!
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I will answer all questions and, who knows, your pithy comments might make the blog!