Let's start off with a brief blog update. We are rapidly approaching the 20,000 visitor mark. To put that in to perspective, that's almost a full house at Chicago's United Center. I never imagined that my foibles with fat would draw the interest of anyone outside my family and closest friends. But here I sit, just over one year into this jiggly jaunt with readers from all over the globe! It seems that large boned and pleasing plump folks the world over share the same enthusiasm for a good old fashioned fat ass fairy tale.

Unfortunately, I have little to report on weight loss front. I think I'm down about a quarter of a pound since our last visit. I can't even say that for sure because I am prone to daily fluctuations of 1-3 pounds. This plateauing is tough to deal with. But it's part of the process and I have grown to be more patient with it. Well, a little bit anyway. My commitment to stay the course for the remainder of 2014 has taken the pressure off me a bit. I no longer expect daily down numbers and I haven't attempted to fling my scale recently. So I guess we can call this emotional progress.
Undaunted by my lack of weight loss, I have continued my commitment to after work anti-couch activities. These include moderate cardio exercise and strength conditioning. I'm trying to do some activity at least 5 days a week. Mind you, this is by no means Olympic type training,. But it works for me. The good news is it's paying off. I have noticed that my newer, thinner Level 1 wardrobe purchased since last fall is starting to hang loosely on me. My new jeans. My new cheap Docker slacks. My new dress shirts. My new golf shirts. It's like deja vu all over again. I'm in another struggle with my wardrobe.
Even though I have smartened up and only buy clothing that is on sale, it is still a very expensive endeavor to replenish a full wardrobe. Now I am doing it for the second and third time. If there is one thing I underestimated when I started this project, it would be the clothing thing. I knew there would be clothing expenses. I just didn't realize the pure volume of clothes it takes to drape a man's body for winter, spring and summer. Then there's business, casual and golf. Not to mention pajamas and other unmentionables. Everything down to my socks has to be replaced.
I have a real aversion to shopping. In fact, I hate it. Not to mention all the tailoring that goes along with the new clothes. Very time consuming and boring. Plus, I hate pissing away cash on clothes that may only last me through the summer. I know I'm whining. I guess it beats dealing with my old haberdasher, Omar the Tent Maker. So let's file this under good problems to have.
I'm seeing the good Dr. X Monday for another follow up. I'll report back to you then.
Au revoir!
Fat Fanatics! Email your comments and questions to:
I will answer all questions and, who knows, your pithy comments might make the blog!